Romantic Dream of Butterfly PET Sticker Pack a
Romantic Dream of Butterfly PET Sticker Pack b2
Romantic Dream of Butterfly PET Sticker Pack b3
Romantic Dream of Butterfly PET Sticker Pack b
Romantic Dream of Butterfly PET Sticker Pack sku-1
Romantic Dream of Butterfly PET Sticker Pack sku-2
Romantic Dream of Butterfly PET Sticker Pack sku-3
Romantic Dream of Butterfly PET Sticker Pack sku-4
Romantic Dream of Butterfly PET Sticker Pack sku-5
Romantic Dream of Butterfly PET Sticker Pack sku-6
Romantic Dream of Butterfly PET Sticker Pack sku-7
Romantic Dream of Butterfly PET Sticker Pack sku-8

Romanteschen Dram vu Päiperlek kloer transparent Sticker Pack

SKU: P1371-00001
Stil:No. 1
ON $59+
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Eise romanteschen Dram vu Päiperlek Polyethylen Terephthalate Sticker Pack ass de perfekte Wee fir Är artistesch Kreatiounen mat hiren exquisiten an eleganten Designen z'erhéijen. Gemaach aus héichwäertege waasserdichte Polyethylen Terephthalate Material, dës Stickere kënnen e puer Mol hänke bliwwen a repositionéiert ginn ouni ongewollte Klebstoffflecken ze loossen. All Pack enthält 30 Stickere vun 8 eenzegaartege Schmetterlings-Themen Stiler déi perfekt sinn fir all kreativ Projet.

Mat hirer klenger Gréisst a Klebstoffbelag sinn dës Stickere einfach ze droen a fir verschidde Szenen ze benotzen. Benotzt se fir Är Zäitschrëften, Scrapbooks, Collagen, Begréissungskaarten, Invitatiounen, Enveloppen a Kaddosverpackungen ze dekoréieren. Huelt Är Kreativitéit op den nächsten Niveau andeems Dir Är Stëfter, Coupë, Telefonsfäegkeeten, Laptopflächen, Waasserfläschen, Poschen a méi personaliséiert!

Produkt Detailer
◎Material: Polyethylenterephthalat
◎ Quantitéit: 30 Stéck/Pack (10 Motiver)
◎Stickergréisst: Bannent 55 × 65 mm / 2,2 × 2,6"
◎Technologie: Matte Dréckerei
◎Packagegréisst: 105 x 98 mm / 4,1 × 3,9"

1Romantic Dream of Butterfly Polyethylene Terephthalate Sticker Pack
2Specification of Romantic Dream of Butterfly Polyethylene Terephthalate Sticker Pack
3Characteristics of Romantic Dream of Butterfly Polyethylene Terephthalate Sticker Pack1
4Details of Romantic Dream of Butterfly Polyethylene Terephthalate Sticker Pack1
4Details of Romantic Dream of Butterfly Polyethylene Terephthalate Sticker Pack2
4Details of Romantic Dream of Butterfly Polyethylene Terephthalate Sticker Pack3
5Product Display of Romantic Dream of Butterfly Polyethylene Terephthalate Sticker Pack1
5Product Display of Romantic Dream of Butterfly Polyethylene Terephthalate Sticker Pack2
5Product Display of Romantic Dream of Butterfly Polyethylene Terephthalate Sticker Pack3
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5Romantic Dream of Butterfly Polyethylene Terephthalate Sticker Pack5
6Romantic Dream of Butterfly Polyethylene Terephthalate Sticker Pack1
6Romantic Dream of Butterfly Polyethylene Terephthalate Sticker Pack2