Blooming Flowers in the Dark Night Hot Stamping Flowers PET Stickers a
Blooming Flowers in the Dark Night Hot Stamping Flowers PET Stickers c
Blooming Flowers in the Dark Night Hot Stamping Flowers PET Stickers b
Blooming Flowers in the Dark Night Hot Stamping Flowers PET Stickers b1
Blooming Flowers in the Dark Night Hot Stamping Flowers PET Stickers b2
Blooming Flowers in the Dark Night Hot Stamping Flowers PET Stickers b3
Blooming Flowers in the Dark Night Hot Stamping Flowers PET Stickers b4
Blooming Flowers in the Dark Night Hot Stamping Flowers PET Stickers sku-1
Blooming Flowers in the Dark Night Hot Stamping Flowers PET Stickers sku-2
Blooming Flowers in the Dark Night Hot Stamping Flowers PET Stickers sku-3
Blooming Flowers in the Dark Night Hot Stamping Flowers PET Stickers sku-4
Blooming Flowers in the Dark Night Hot Stamping Flowers PET Stickers sku-5
Blooming Flowers in the Dark Night Hot Stamping Flowers PET Stickers sku-6

Bléiende Blummen an der Däischter Nuecht Hot Stamping Blummen Kloer Transparent Sticker

SKU: P1851-00001

🎁 $10 Off op Bestellungen iwwer $80, CODE: KRËSCHT 10
🎁 $20 Off op Bestellungen iwwer $140, CODE: KRËSCHT 20
🎁 $50 Off op Bestellungen iwwer $260, CODE: XMAS50

Stil:1. Anemone Flower
ON $59+
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Aféierung vum "Lace Fantasy Dekorative Polyethylene Terephthalate Sticker Book", eng faszinéierend Mëschung vu Kënschtlerin an Detail, déi Är Kreativitéit op nei Héichten erhéicht. All Pack enthüllt 20 holographesch waarm gestempelt Stickeren (mat 10 eenzegaartegen Designen), déi eng exquisite glänzend Textur bréngt, déi mat all Bewegung danzt. Wielt aus enger Rei vu sechs Blummenstiler, rangéiert vun der delikater 'Anemone Flower' bis zur faszinéierender 'Peony Bloom'. All Stil otemt Liewen an komplizéiert Blummendesignen, veréiwegt duerch kloer, detailléiert Dréckerei.

Trotz hirer grousser Gréisst sinn dës Stickere virsiichteg entworf fir an den Dimensioune vun 3,1 × 3,1 ze passen. "Geschafft aus Polyethylen Terephthalate Material, si bidden Haltbarkeet a waasserdichte Schutz, fir datt se hire Charme duerch verschidde Konditioune behalen. D'einfach Applikatioun gëtt weider verbessert. vun der abegraff Verëffentlechungslinn Mat all Stil begleet vun enger Polyethylen Terephthalate Collage Kaart, kann Är Kreativitéit wierklech fléien, egal ob et als Akzenter an Scrapbooks benotzt gëtt, dës Sticker bréngen e Splash vun Eleganz op all Uewerfläch eist "Lace Fantasy Dekorative Polyethylene Terephthalate Sticker Book" a loosst Är Kreativitéit bléien.

Produit Detailer
◎Material: Polyethylenterephthalat
◎ Quantitéit: 20 Stéck / Pak (10 Motiver)
◎ Stickergréisst: Bannent 80 x 80 mm / 3,1 × 3,1 "
◎ Technologie: Holographesch Hot Stamping + Die-Cutting
◎Packagegréisst: 94 x 162 mm / 3,7 × 6,4"

1Blooming Flowers in the Dark Night Hot Stamping Flowers Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers
2Blooming Flowers in the Dark Night Hot Stamping Flowers Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers1
3Blooming Flowers in the Dark Night Hot Stamping Flowers Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers1
3Blooming Flowers in the Dark Night Hot Stamping Flowers Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers2
4Blooming Flowers in the Dark Night Hot Stamping Flowers Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers1
4Blooming Flowers in the Dark Night Hot Stamping Flowers Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers2
4Blooming Flowers in the Dark Night Hot Stamping Flowers Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers3
5Blooming Flowers in the Dark Night Hot Stamping Flowers Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers1
5Blooming Flowers in the Dark Night Hot Stamping Flowers Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers2
5Blooming Flowers in the Dark Night Hot Stamping Flowers Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers3
5Blooming Flowers in the Dark Night Hot Stamping Flowers Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers4
5Blooming Flowers in the Dark Night Hot Stamping Flowers Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers5
5Blooming Flowers in the Dark Night Hot Stamping Flowers Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers6
6Blooming Flowers in the Dark Night Hot Stamping Flowers Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers1
6Blooming Flowers in the Dark Night Hot Stamping Flowers Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers2