Vintage 3D Holographic Shining Butterfly PET Sticker c
Vintage 3D Holographic Shining Butterfly PET Sticker b
Vintage 3D Holographic Shining Butterfly PET Sticker a
Vintage 3D Holographic Shining Butterfly PET Sticker b1
Vintage 3D Holographic Shining Butterfly PET Sticker b3
Vintage 3D Holographic Shining Butterfly PET Sticker sku-1
Vintage 3D Holographic Shining Butterfly PET Sticker sku-2
Vintage 3D Holographic Shining Butterfly PET Sticker sku-3
Vintage 3D Holographic Shining Butterfly PET Sticker sku-4

復古 3D 全息閃亮蝴蝶 PET 貼紙

銷售價格$4.80 USD
顏色:1. Pink
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使用我們的複古 3D 全息閃亮蝴蝶 PET 貼紙,為您的創意項目增添一絲優雅。這些貼紙採用升級的光滑防水 PET 材料製成,旨在讓您的藝術視野栩栩如生。複雜的燙印技術為清晰半透明的蝴蝶設計增添了迷人的全息效果。這些貼紙可以反复粘貼,不會留下任何不需要的膠漬。

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◎貼紙尺寸:60 × 180mm / 2.4 × 7.1"

1Vintage 3D Holographic Shining Butterfly PET Sticker
2Specification of Vintage 3D Holographic Shining Butterfly PET Sticker
3Characteristics of Vintage 3D Holographic Shining Butterfly PET Sticker
4Details of Vintage 3D Holographic Shining Butterfly PET Sticker
5Product Display of Vintage 3D Holographic Shining Butterfly PET Sticker1
5Product Display of Vintage 3D Holographic Shining Butterfly PET Sticker2
5Product Display of Vintage 3D Holographic Shining Butterfly PET Sticker3
5Product Display of Vintage 3D Holographic Shining Butterfly PET Sticker4
5Product Display of Vintage 3D Holographic Shining Butterfly PET Sticker5
6Product Size Vintage 3D Holographic Shining Butterfly PET Sticker1
6Product Size Vintage 3D Holographic Shining Butterfly PET Sticker2