Zodiac and Sakura Washi Tape Set (4 Rolls)
Zodiac and Sakura Washi Tape Set (4 Rolls)1
Zodiac and Sakura Washi Tape Set (4 Rolls)2
Zodiac and Sakura Washi Tape Set (4 Rolls)3
Brown Zodiac-Brown-Zodiac and Sakura Washi Tape Set (4 Rolls)
Pink Sakura-Pink-Zodiac and Sakura Washi Tape Set (4 Rolls)
Blue Star-Blue-Zodiac and Sakura Washi Tape Set (4 Rolls)

Tacar Téipeanna Stoidiaca agus Sakura Washi (4 Rolla)

Praghas díola$10.80
SKU: P0910-00001

🎁 $20 as ar orduithe os cionn $100, CÓD: BFC20
🎁 $50 as ar orduithe os cionn $200, CÓD: BFC50

Stíl:1.Braunes Sternzeichen
ON $59+
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Star March téip washi  Tá éagsúlacht de stíleanna agus patrúin álainn. Foirfe do scrapbooking, colláis, agus maisiú iris, is féidir é a úsáid i go leor stíleanna colláisí lámhleabhar.

Ábhar: Washi

Sonraíocht: 4 phíosa

Méid: 15  ×  5000mm/0.5"  ×  196"