Vintage Stamp Washi Sticker - Plant, Girl, Poster, Forest
Vintage Stamp Washi Sticker - Plant, Girl, Poster, Forest1
Vintage Stamp Washi Sticker - Plant, Girl, Poster, Forest2
Vintage Stamp Washi Sticker - Plant, Girl, Poster, Forest3
Vintage Stamp Washi Sticker - Plant, Girl, Poster, Forest4
Vintage Stamp Washi Sticker - Plant, Girl, Poster, Forest5
Plant-Vintage Stamp Washi Sticker - Plant, Girl, Poster, Forest
Forest-Vintage Stamp Washi Sticker - Plant, Girl, Poster, Forest
Poster-Vintage Stamp Washi Sticker - Plant, Girl, Poster, Forest
Beautiful Girl-Vintage Stamp Washi Sticker - Plant, Girl, Poster, Forest


銷售價格€5,72 EUR
貨號: P0988-00001
風格:1. Plant
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這款復古時間系列郵票和紙貼紙有 4 種不同的風格:植物、森林、海報和美容,涵蓋玫瑰、蘑菇、草藥、海報等圖像。撕下背膠,您可以將其貼到任何表面。具有良好的黏性,可重複使用。郵票般的波浪邊框很可愛,會為你的日記增添強烈的復古氣息。它適合裝飾剪貼簿、記事本、拼貼畫、賀卡、邀請函和禮品包裝。
◎貼紙尺寸:47 x 67mm / 1.9 x 2.6"

Vintage Time Series Stamp Washi Sticker
Specification of Vintage Time Series Stamp Washi Sticker
Characteristics of Vintage Time Series Stamp Washi Sticker
Details of Vintage Time Series Stamp Washi Sticker
Product Display of Vintage Time Series Stamp Washi Sticker
Product Size Vintage Time Series Stamp Washi Sticker