Easter Cartoon Bunny and Egg Vinyl Stickers a2
Easter Cartoon Bunny and Egg Vinyl Stickers a
Easter Cartoon Bunny and Egg Vinyl Stickers b
Easter Cartoon Bunny and Egg Vinyl Stickers b2
Easter Cartoon Bunny and Egg Vinyl Stickers b3
Easter Cartoon Bunny and Egg Vinyl Stickers b4
Easter Cartoon Bunny and Egg Vinyl Stickers b5
Easter Cartoon Bunny and Egg Vinyl Stickers c


銷售價格₩6,336 KRW
貨號: P4966-00002
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隆重介紹我們令人愉悅的復活節卡通兔子和雞蛋乙烯基貼紙,每包 50 張貼紙的奇特系列,將為您的慶祝活動增添一抹節日魅力。每張貼紙均採用高品質乙烯基製成,展示了充滿活力且細緻的卡通風格插圖,包括可愛的兔子、雞蛋和其他復活節主題元素。這些貼紙的貼紙尺寸為 40 至 60 毫米(1.6 - 2.4 英吋),非常適合裝飾復活節卡片、禮品包裝、剪貼簿等。先進的四色印刷與精密模切相結合,確保每張貼紙都捕捉到復活節快樂的精髓。

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