Custom Design Desktop Embossers with Your Artwork - 52mm Large Edition large embosser 1
Custom Design Desktop Embossers with Your Artwork - 52mm Large Edition large embosser
Custom Design Desktop Embossers with Your Artwork - 52mm Large Edition - Stamprints2
Custom Design Desktop Embossers with Your Artwork - 52mm Large Edition - Stamprints3
Custom Design Desktop Embossers with Your Artwork - 52mm Large Edition - Stamprints7
Custom Design Desktop Embossers with Your Artwork - 52mm Large Edition 3
Custom Design Desktop Embossers with Your Artwork - 52mm Large Edition - Stamprints15
Custom Design Desktop Embossers with Your Artwork - 52mm Large Edition - Stamprints6
Embosser Orientation
Stamprints Customized Product Process
Custom Design Desktop Embossers with Your Artwork - 52mm Large Edition - Stamprints8
Custom Design Desktop Embossers with Your Artwork - 52mm Large Edition - Stamprints11
Custom Design Desktop Embossers with Your Artwork - 52mm Large Edition - Stamprints12
Custom Design Desktop Embossers with Your Artwork - 52mm Large Edition - Stamprints

客製化設計桌面壓花機與您的藝術品 - 52 毫米大版

銷售價格534.85 NIS
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使用我們的客製化設計桌面壓花機 - 52 毫米版釋放您的創造力,專為那些在每個細節上尋求無與倫比的定制的人士而設計。壓花頭直徑為 52 毫米,可讓您將複雜且個人化的設計精確地壓印到紙張上。
這些桌面壓花機經過精心製作,尺寸為 19 厘米 x 14.8 厘米,為您的藝術表達提供了堅實的平台。無論您是裝飾邀請函、為文件添加獨特的風格,還是提升您的工藝項目,我們的浮雕機都能將功能和風格完美融合。

您可以在此處購買浮雕配套空白標籤貼紙 - 100 件
◎尺寸:190 x 148 毫米/7.5 × 5.8 吋

使用說明:使用浮雕機時,輕輕用力即可獲得清晰的圖案。 步驟:
1.從包裝盒中取出模具。 2.捏住夾子,將其插入一端的開口中,並將其固定到位。 3.安裝後,在所需壓花位置輕輕施加壓力即可使用。 4.就是這樣!您已經創造了精美的浮雕設計。

1Custom Design Desktop Embossers with Your Artwork - 52mm Edition
2Custom Design Desktop Embossers with Your Artwork - 52mm Edition
3Custom Design Desktop Embossers with Your Artwork - 52mm Edition1
3Custom Design Desktop Embossers with Your Artwork - 52mm Edition2
3Custom Design Desktop Embossers with Your Artwork - 52mm Edition3
3Custom Design Desktop Embossers with Your Artwork - 52mm Edition4
3Custom Design Desktop Embossers with Your Artwork - 52mm Edition5
5Custom Design Desktop Embossers with Your Artwork - 52mm Edition1
5Custom Design Desktop Embossers with Your Artwork - 52mm Edition2
5Custom Design Desktop Embossers with Your Artwork - 52mm Edition3
5Custom Design Desktop Embossers with Your Artwork - 52mm Edition4
5Custom Design Desktop Embossers with Your Artwork - 52mm Edition5
5Custom Design Desktop Embossers with Your Artwork - 52mm Edition6
5Custom Design Desktop Embossers with Your Artwork - 52mm Edition7
