Easter Bunny and Egg Cartoon Sticker Book a1
Easter Bunny and Egg Cartoon Sticker Book c
Easter Bunny and Egg Cartoon Sticker Book c2
Easter Bunny and Egg Cartoon Sticker Book b
Easter Bunny and Egg Cartoon Sticker Book b2
Easter Bunny and Egg Cartoon Sticker Book b3
Easter Bunny and Egg Cartoon Sticker Book a
Easter Bunny and Egg Cartoon Sticker Book c3


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與我們的復活節兔子和雞蛋卡通貼紙書一起踏上創意復活節之旅!這本書的尺寸為 210 x 200 毫米(8.3 x 7.9 英寸),設計豐富。貼紙可以巧妙地放置在隨附的材料紙上,使您能夠創建具有自己獨特風格的自訂復活節場景。霧面印刷技術和精確的模切確保每張貼紙都能無縫融入背景,使這本貼紙書成為令人愉悅且多功能的複活節手工必備品。
◎貼紙尺寸:210 x 200 毫米 / 8.3 × 7.9 吋
◎包裝尺寸:291 x 230 毫米/11.5 × 9.1 英吋

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5Easter Bunny and Egg Cartoon Sticker Book2
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