History of the World Series Vintage Scrapbook Paper b3
History of the World Series Vintage Scrapbook Paper b5
History of the World Series Vintage Scrapbook Paper a
History of the World Series Vintage Scrapbook Paper b
History of the World Series Vintage Scrapbook Paper b2
History of the World Series Vintage Scrapbook Paper b4
History of the World Series Vintage Scrapbook Paper b6
History of the World Series Vintage Scrapbook Paper sku-1
History of the World Series Vintage Scrapbook Paper sku-2
History of the World Series Vintage Scrapbook Paper sku-3
History of the World Series Vintage Scrapbook Paper sku-4


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用世界歷史系列復古剪貼簿紙揭開過去的迷人故事。這個非凡的系列匯集了 100 張輕質紙張,每張都裝飾有 50 種迷人設計中的一種。當您探索生命信件的錯綜複雜時,讓自己沉浸在歷史之美中,迷失在植物奏鳴曲的和諧旋律中,發現復古花卉優雅的片段,或沉迷於莫奈調色板的充滿活力的調色板中。

這些復古剪貼簿紙以對細節的敏銳眼光精心製作,邀請您踏上與眾不同的創意之旅。這些輕質紙張每張尺寸為85 × 125 毫米(3.3 × 4.9 英寸),可提供無縫的書寫體驗,讓您的思緒毫不費力地流淌到頁面上。自由地整理您的剪貼簿、日記或隨心所欲的藝術項目,創造真正個性化的紀念品

◎尺寸:85 × 125mm / 3.3 × 4.9"

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