Vintage Drawer Style Box Washi Strip Sticker - People, Newspaper, Alice,  Botanical
Vintage Drawer Style Box Washi Strip Sticker - People, Newspaper, Alice,  Botanical1
Vintage Drawer Style Box Washi Strip Sticker - People, Newspaper, Alice,  Botanical2
Vintage Drawer Style Box Washi Strip Sticker - People, Newspaper, Alice,  Botanical3
Vintage Drawer Style Box Washi Strip Sticker - People, Newspaper, Alice,  Botanical4
Vintage Drawer Style Box Washi Strip Sticker - People, Newspaper, Alice,  Botanical5
Vintage Drawer Style Box Washi Strip Sticker - People, Newspaper, Alice,  Botanical6
Anne's Afternoon-Vintage Drawer Style Box Washi Strip Sticker - People, Newspaper, Alice,  Botanical
Rose-Vintage Drawer Style Box Washi Strip Sticker - People, Newspaper, Alice,  Botanical
Fashionable Girl-Vintage Drawer Style Box Washi Strip Sticker - People, Newspaper, Alice,  Botanical
Newspaper-Vintage Drawer Style Box Washi Strip Sticker - People, Newspaper, Alice,  Botanical
Botanical Atlas-Vintage Drawer Style Box Washi Strip Sticker - People, Newspaper, Alice,  Botanical
Alice-Vintage Drawer Style Box Washi Strip Sticker - People, Newspaper, Alice,  Botanical
European Architecture-Vintage Drawer Style Box Washi Strip Sticker - People, Newspaper, Alice,  Botanical
Elegant Lady-Vintage Drawer Style Box Washi Strip Sticker - People, Newspaper, Alice,  Botanical

Vintage Tirangstil Box Washi Strip Sticker - Leit, Zeitung, Alice, Botanesch

Verkafspräis$8.34 SGD
SKU: P1046-00006
Stil:6. Alice
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Op engem waarme Nomëtteg, maach eng Këscht voll mat vintage Stickeren op, et bréngt Iech an eng Mäerchewelt. Dëse Vintage Washi Strip Sticker ass aus feine Washi Pabeier mat vague Schéinheet gemaach. D'Washi-Material kann op Wëllen geschnidden an Hand zerräissen ginn. Am Ganzen 8 verschidde Stiler fir ze wielen, déi Biller iwwerdecken wéi Meedercher, Rosen, Kleeder, Plakater, Architektur, Enveloppen, asw. einfach Stickeren ze wielen an ze setzen. All Këscht enthält 3 verschidde Stickergréissten. Einfach d'Klebstoff-Backing ofschielen a festleeën op all Uewerfläch déi Dir wëllt. Et ass perfekt fir Zäitschrëften, Scrapbooks, Tagebicher a Collagen ze dekoréieren. Et kann och als schéin an eenzegaarteg Lieszeeche benotzt ginn wann Dir wëllt.

Produkt Detailer
◎Material: Washi
◎ Quantitéit: 100 Stéck / Këscht (50 Motiver)
◎Stickergréisst: 35 x 115 mm / 1,4 x 4,5"
◎Technologie: Matte Dréckerei
◎Boxgréisst: 41 × 120 × 24 mm / 1,6 x 4,7 x 0,9"

Vintage Drawer Style Box Washi Strip Stickers
Specification of Vintage Drawer Style Box Washi Strip Stickers
Characteristics of Vintage Drawer Style Box Washi Strip Stickers
Characteristics of Vintage Drawer Style Box Washi Strip Stickers 2
Product Display of Vintage Drawer Style Box Washi Strip Stickers 1
Product Size