Vintage Assorted Material Sticker Pack - Travel, Butterfly, Mushroom, Astrology, Plant, Bill, Poster, Antique1
Vintage Assorted Material Sticker Pack - Travel, Butterfly, Mushroom, Astrology, Plant, Bill, Poster, Antique
Vintage Assorted Material Sticker Pack - Travel, Butterfly, Mushroom, Astrology, Plant, Bill, Poster, Antique2
Vintage Assorted Material Sticker Pack - Travel, Butterfly, Mushroom, Astrology, Plant, Bill, Poster, Antique3
Vintage Assorted Material Sticker Pack - Travel, Butterfly, Mushroom, Astrology, Plant, Bill, Poster, Antique4
Vintage Assorted Material Sticker Pack - Travel, Butterfly, Mushroom, Astrology, Plant, Bill, Poster, Antique5
Garden-Vintage Assorted Material Sticker Pack - Travel, Butterfly, Mushroom, Astrology, Plant, Bill, Poster, Antique
Astrology-Vintage Assorted Material Sticker Pack - Travel, Butterfly, Mushroom, Astrology, Plant, Bill, Poster, Antique
Antique-Vintage Assorted Material Sticker Pack - Travel, Butterfly, Mushroom, Astrology, Plant, Bill, Poster, Antique
Poster-Vintage Assorted Material Sticker Pack - Travel, Butterfly, Mushroom, Astrology, Plant, Bill, Poster, Antique
Bill-Vintage Assorted Material Sticker Pack - Travel, Butterfly, Mushroom, Astrology, Plant, Bill, Poster, Antique
Butterfly and Mushroom-Vintage Assorted Material Sticker Pack - Travel, Butterfly, Mushroom, Astrology, Plant, Bill, Poster, Antique
Plant-Vintage Assorted Material Sticker Pack - Travel, Butterfly, Mushroom, Astrology, Plant, Bill, Poster, Antique
Travel-Vintage Assorted Material Sticker Pack - Travel, Butterfly, Mushroom, Astrology, Plant, Bill, Poster, Antique

Ganze Pack vun Vintage Assortéiert Material Sticker a Pabeier Pack (480 Stéck, 8 Motiver)

Verkafspräis$34.56 Regelméisseg Präis$38.40
Späicheren 10%
SKU: P5029-00010
ON $59+
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Dëse vintage europäesche Stil Journal Sticker Pack huet 8 Stiler fir ze wielen: Utopia Garden, Stargazer, Times Memorie, Atlas Comics, Singer, The Hobbit Forest, Natural Plants, and Time Travel.  Et deckt verschidde Retro-Biller wéi Enveloppen, Fraen, Kanner, Päiperleken, Champignonen, Plakater, asw. All Pak enthält 60 Stickeren aus 4 verschiddene Materialien, dorënner Schreifpabeier, Schwefelsäurepabeier, Beschichtete Pabeier a Washi.  De Sticker kann op Wëllen geschnidden an zerrappt ginn fir Collage.  Befestegt mat Backing Pabeier, et ass einfach ze benotzen.  An d'Enveloppe-Këscht Verpackung ass voller Retro a literarescher Vibe an ass einfach ze späicheren.  Et ass gëeegent fir vintage Scrapbooks, Zäitschrëften, Planer, Collagen, Begréissungskaarten, Invitatiounen a Kaddosverpackungen ze maachen.

Produkt Detailer
◎Material: Schreifpabeier, Schwefelsäurepabeier, Beschichtete Pabeier, a Washi
◎ Quantitéit: 480 Stéck/Pack
Scrapbook Pabeier: Schreifpabeier  x 80
Schwefelsäurepapier  x 40
Sticker: Beschichtete Pabeier Sticker x 200
Washi Sticker x 160
◎ Stickergréisst: 40 ~ 110 mm / 1,6 ~ 4,3 "
◎Technologie: Matte Dréckerei
◎Packagegréisst: 80 x 120 mm / 3,1 x 4,7"

Vintage European-Style Journal Sticker Pack
Vintage European-Style Journal Sticker Pack
Vintage European-Style Journal Sticker Pack
Vintage European-Style Journal Sticker Pack
Vintage European-Style Journal Sticker Pack
Vintage European-Style Journal Sticker Pack
Vintage European-Style Journal Sticker Pack