Ocean and Marine Animals PET Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish a
Ocean and Marine Animals PET Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish b-
Ocean and Marine Animals PET Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish b2-
Ocean and Marine Animals PET Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish b3-
Ocean and Marine Animals PET Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish b4
Ocean and Marine Animals PET Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish b6
Ocean and Marine Animals PET Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish c-
Ocean and Marine Animals PET Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish c
Ocean and Marine Animals PET Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish sku-1
Ocean and Marine Animals PET Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish sku-2
Ocean and Marine Animals PET Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish sku-3
Ocean and Marine Animals PET Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish sku-4
Ocean and Marine Animals PET Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish sku-5
Ocean and Marine Animals PET Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish sku-6
Ocean and Marine Animals PET Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish sku-7
Ocean and Marine Animals PET Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish sku-8

महासागर और समुद्री जानवर साफ़ पारदर्शी स्टिकर - व्हेल, मछली, शंख, मोती, मूंगा, शंख, जेलिफ़िश

विक्रय कीमत$6.00
एसकेयू: P1038-00001

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इस प्यारे अंडरसी वर्ल्ड पॉलीइथिलीन टेरेफ्थेलेट स्टिकर में चमकीले रंगों और स्पष्ट प्रिंटिंग के साथ 8 अंडरसी क्रिएचर स्टाइल हैं। प्रत्येक स्टाइल में 15 अलग-अलग डिज़ाइनों में 30 स्टिकर और एक कोलाज कार्ड शामिल हैं। उच्च गुणवत्ता वाली पॉलीइथिलीन टेरेफ्थेलेट सामग्री जलरोधक और टिकाऊ है। एक पारदर्शी चिपकने वाला बैकिंग इसे उपयोग में आसान बनाता है और बिना किसी अवशेष को छोड़े बार-बार इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है। क्रिस्टल चमक इंकजेट प्रक्रिया स्टिकर की चमक और जीवंतता का एक स्पर्श इंजेक्ट करती है। यह महासागर-थीम वाली स्क्रैपबुक, डायरी, प्लानर, ग्रीटिंग कार्ड, निमंत्रण, लिफाफे, उपहार लपेटने, फोन केस, कप, स्केटबोर्ड, रेफ्रिजरेटर या अन्य दैनिक वस्तुओं के लिए उपयुक्त है।

उत्पाद विवरण
◎सामग्री: पॉलीइथिलीन टेरेफ्थेलेट
◎मात्रा: 30 पीस/पैक (15 डिज़ाइन)
◎स्टिकर का आकार:  85 x 120 मिमी / 3.3 × 4.7"
◎प्रौद्योगिकी: विशेष स्याही + डाई-कटिंग

1Ocean and Marine Animals Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish
2Ocean and Marine Animals Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish1
3Ocean and Marine Animals Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish1
3Ocean and Marine Animals Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish2
4Ocean and Marine Animals Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish1
5Ocean and Marine Animals Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish1
5Ocean and Marine Animals Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish2
5Ocean and Marine Animals Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish3
5Ocean and Marine Animals Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish4
5Ocean and Marine Animals Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish5
5Ocean and Marine Animals Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish6
5Ocean and Marine Animals Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish7
6Ocean and Marine Animals Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish1
6Ocean and Marine Animals Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Whale, Fish, Shell, Pearl, Coral, Conch Shell, Jellyfish2

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