Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant a-
Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant b-
Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant b
Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant b2-
Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant b3-
Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant b4
Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant b5
Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant c
Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant sku-1
Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant sku-2
Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant sku-3
Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant sku-4
Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant sku-5
Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant sku-6

बैरोक फ़्रेम हॉट स्टैम्पिंग स्टिकर - फीता, गुलाब, तितली, गुलाब की झाड़ी, बोतलबंद, पौधा

विक्रय कीमत$6.00
एसकेयू: P1040-00004

🎁 $59+ पर मुफ़्त शिपिंग
🎁 कोड के साथ 5% छूट प्राप्त करें: OFF5

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यह विंटेज बारोक तितली संयंत्र फ्रेम ब्रोंजिंग स्टिकर उन्नत पॉलीइथिलीन टेरेफ्थेलेट, टिकाऊ और जलरोधक से बना है। आंतरिक पृष्ठ पर गर्म मुद्रांकन समृद्ध रंगों और स्पष्ट मुद्रण के साथ डिजाइन लाता है। यह बिना किसी गोंद के दाग छोड़े इसे बार-बार चिपकाया जा सकता है। इसमें 6 स्टाइल हैं, और प्रत्येक स्टाइल में 15 डिज़ाइनों में 30 स्टिकर हैं। भरपूर डिज़ाइन और कई विकल्प आपकी विभिन्न सजावट आवश्यकताओं को पूरा कर सकते हैं। यह जर्नल, स्क्रैपबुक, कोलाज, ग्रीटिंग कार्ड, निमंत्रण, लिफाफे और उपहार लपेटने के लिए एकदम सही है, और इन्हें पेन, कप, फोन केस, लैपटॉप सतहों आदि पर उपयोग करना रचनात्मक है।

उत्पाद विवरण
◎सामग्री: पॉलीइथिलीन टेरेफ्थेलेट
◎मात्रा:  30 पीस/पैक (15 डिज़ाइन)
◎स्टिकर का आकार:  20~50मिमी / 0.8~2.0"
◎प्रौद्योगिकी:  विशेष स्याही  + हॉट स्टैम्पिंग

1Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant
2Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant1
3Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant1
3Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant2
4Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant1
4Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant2
5Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant1
5Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant2
5Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant3
5Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant4
5Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant5
5Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant6
5Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant7
5Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant8
5Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant9
5Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant10
5Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant11
5Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant12
5Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant13
5Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant14
6Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant1
6Baroque Frame Hot Stamping Sticker - Lace, Rose, Butterfly, Rosebush, Bottled, Plant2

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews

They ire a hit with kids and adults alike. Great for sharing with family.


These are perfect for my bullet journal.


I ive been using these stickers to decorate my journal, and they ive added a charming touch.


With a variety of adorable designs and beautiful colors, these stickers are a true gem. No repeats and lots of charm.


I im thoroughly impressed by the quality of these stickers. They ire a great addition to any collection.


I im amazed at how well these stickers have held up on my water bottle, even through washing.