Stamprints Traces of Time Series Retro Art Sticker Pack 1
Stamprints Traces of Time Series Retro Art Sticker Pack 2
Stamprints Traces of Time Series Retro Art Sticker Pack 3
Traces of Time Vintage Washi Sticker Pack b4
Traces of Time Vintage Washi Sticker Pack b3
Traces of Time Vintage Washi Sticker Pack b5
Traces of Time Vintage Washi Sticker Pack c
Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe sku-1
Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe sku-2
Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe sku-3
Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe sku-4
Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe sku-5
Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe sku-6
Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe sku-7
Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe sku-8

विंटेज वाशी स्टिकर - समाचार पत्र, मानचित्र, तितली, फूल, लोग, भोजन, ब्रह्मांड

विक्रय कीमत$6.00
एसकेयू: P0525-00001

🎁 100 डॉलर से अधिक के ऑर्डर पर 20 डॉलर की छूट, कोड: BFC20
🎁 200 डॉलर से अधिक के ऑर्डर पर 50 डॉलर की छूट, कोड: BFC50

शैली:1. Travel Map
ON $59+
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यह ट्रेसेस ऑफ़ टाइम विंटेज वाशी स्टिकर पैक उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले और पर्यावरण के अनुकूल वाशी पेपर से बना है, जिसमें स्पष्ट मुद्रण और चमकीले रंग हैं। इसमें 8 शैलियाँ हैं, जो नक्शे, समाचार पत्र, तितलियाँ और फूलों जैसी रेट्रो छवियों को कवर करती हैं। प्रत्येक पैक में अलग-अलग डिज़ाइन के 45 स्टिकर होते हैं, और इसमें चुनने के लिए पाँच स्टिकर आकार होते हैं। चिपकने वाला बैकिंग के साथ, चिपकाने के लिए इसे छीलें। यह पत्रिकाओं, स्क्रैपबुक, ग्रीटिंग कार्ड, निमंत्रण, लिफाफे और उपहार लपेटने के साथ-साथ फोन केस, कप, स्केटबोर्ड, रेफ्रिजरेटर या अन्य दैनिक वस्तुओं को सजाने के लिए उपयुक्त है।

उत्पाद विवरण
◎सामग्री: वाशी
◎मात्रा: 45 पीस/पैक (15 डिज़ाइन)
◎स्टिकर का आकार: 24~124mm / 0.9~4.9"
◎प्रौद्योगिकी: मैट प्रिंटिंग

1Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe
2Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe1
3Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe1
4Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe1
5Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe1
5Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe2
5Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe3
5Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe4
5Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe5
5Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe6
5Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe7
5Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe8
5Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe9
5Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe10
5Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe11
5Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe12
5Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe13
5Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe14
5Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe15
5Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe16
5Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe17
5Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe18
5Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe19
6Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe1
6Vintage Washi Stickers - Newspaper, Map, Butterfly, Flowers, People, Food, Universe2