Lace PET Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film a
Lace PET Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film b
Lace PET Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film b2
Lace PET Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film b3
Lace PET Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film b4
Lace PET Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film b5
Lace PET Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film b6
Lace PET Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film b7
Lace PET Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film sku-1
Lace PET Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film sku-2
Lace PET Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film sku-3
Lace PET Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film sku-4
Lace PET Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film sku-5
Lace PET Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film sku-6

Lása Greamáin Trédhearcach Clear - Féileacán, Uimhir, Wreath, Bláth, Doras agus Fuinneog, Scannán

Praghas díola$6.00
SKU: P4687-00001

🎁 $20 as ar orduithe os cionn $100, CÓD: BFC20
🎁 $50 as ar orduithe os cionn $200, CÓD: BFC50

Stíl:1. Butterfly
ON $59+
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Ag tabhairt isteach ár nGreamáin Lása Polaitiléin Teireafaláit, cnuasach iontach atá deartha chun áilleacht agus draíocht a chur le do thionscadail ceardaíochta. Tá 30 greamán i ngach paca ar a bhfuil 15 dhearadh ar théama lása uathúla, lena n-áirítear féileacáin, uimhreacha, fleasca, bláthanna, doirse agus fuinneoga, agus rollaí scannán. Tá na greamáin seo ar fáil i méideanna éagsúla, ó 70 x 70 mm go 46 x 20 mm, atá déanta as ábhar durable agus uiscedhíonach Teirephthalate poileitiléine, rud a thairgeann solúbthacht do do chuid iarrachtaí cruthaitheacha. 

Sonraí Táirge

◎ Ábhar: Teirephthalate poileitiléin
◎ Cainníocht: 30 ríomhaire / pacáiste (15 dearadh)
◎ Méid an Ghreamáin: 
Mó: 70 x 70 mm / 2.8 × 2.8 orlach
Is lú: 46 x 20 mm / 1.8 × 0.8 orlach
◎ Teicneolaíocht: Priontáil Dúigh Bhán (Dúigh Speisialtachta) + Gearradh Dísle
◎ Méid an Phacáiste: 180 x 105 mm / 7.1 × 4.1 orlach

1Lace Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film
2Lace Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film1
3Lace Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film1
3Lace Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film2
5Lace Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film1
5Lace Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film2
5Lace Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film3
5Lace Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film4
5Lace Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film5
5Lace Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film6
5Lace Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film7
5Lace Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film8
5Lace Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film9
5Lace Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film10
5Lace Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film11
5Lace Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film12
5Lace Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film13
5Lace Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film14
6Lace Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film1
6Lace Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Butterfly, Number, Wreath, Flower, Door and Window, Film2