Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape b5
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape b3
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape b
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape c
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape b2
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape b4
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape sku-1
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape sku-2
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape sku-3
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape sku-4
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape sku-5
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape sku-6
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape sku-7
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape sku-8
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape sku-9
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape sku-10
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape sku-11
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape sku-12
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape sku-13
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape sku-14
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape sku-15
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape sku-16
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape sku-17
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape sku-18
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape sku-19
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape sku-20
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape sku-21
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape sku-22
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape sku-23
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape sku-24
Chinese Style Real Scene Architectural Landscaping Washi Tape sku-25

Stíl na Síne Radharc Tírdhreachú Ailtireachta Téip Washi

Praghas díola$6.00
SKU: P2101-00001

🎁 Loingseoireacht saor in aisce ar $59+
🎁 Faigh 5% OFF leis an gCód: OFF5

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Tú féin a thumadh in áilleacht mhealltach ailtireacht agus thírdhreach na Síne lenár Téip Washi Tírdhreachadh Ailtireachta Tírdhreachadh Radharc Radharc na Síne. Arna dhéanamh as ábhar Washi ardcháilíochta agus feabhsaithe le dúigh scairdphrintéara criostail agus priontáil phróisis 4-dath, taispeánann gach rolla téip sonraí casta agus dathanna bríomhara radhairc íocónacha na Síne. Le raon leathan stíleanna le roghnú as, lena n-áirítear pailliúin, gairdíní uisce, duilleoga an fhómhair, agus níos mó, tugann an téip seo croílár chultúr na Síne agus áilleacht nádúrtha do do thionscadail chruthaitheacha.

Ó shuaimhneas gairdín Seapánach go draíocht na lóchrainn spéir ag soilsiú suas spéir na hoíche, tá gach patrún deartha go cúramach chun croílár thírdhreacha ailtireachta na Síne a ghabháil. Le méideanna idir 50mm agus 90mm ar leithead agus faid 2m go 3m, tá an tsolúbthacht agat na radharcanna iontacha seo a ionchorprú in iarrachtaí ealaíne éagsúla. Cinntíonn na dúigh inkjet criostail agus an teicníc priontála próisis 4-dath go bhfuil na dathanna beoga agus dílis don saol, rud a ligeann duit dearaí mealltacha a chruthú.

Maisigh do irisleabhair, leabhair gearrthóg, cártaí beannachta, agus go leor eile le draíocht iontach ailtireacht agus tírdhreacha na Síne. Lig do chruthaitheacht dul ar eitilt agus tú ag tabhairt na radharcanna fíora seo ar an saol agus ag insint do scéalta uathúla féin. Le Téip Washi Tírdhreachadh Ailtireachta Ailtireachta Fíor-Stíl na Síne, is féidir leat dul ar thuras cruthaitheach a chuimsíonn oidhreacht chultúrtha shaibhir agus tírdhreacha iontacha na Síne.

Sonraí Táirge
◎ Ábhar: Washi
◎ Cainníocht: 1 rolla
◎ Méid:
Stíl 1 - 5: 60mm × 2m / 2.4" × 6.6'
Stíl 6 - 20: 70mm × 2m / 2.8" × 6.6'
Stíl 21: 70mm × 3m / 2.4" × 9.8'
Stíl 22 - 23: 80mm × 2m / 3.1" × 6.6'
Stíl 24: 50mm × 2m / 2.0" × 6.6'
Stíl 25: 90mm × 2m / 3.5" × 6.6'
Stíl 26: 63mm × 2m / 2.5" × 6.6'
◎ Teicneolaíocht: Inks Inkjet Crystal + Priontáil Próiseas 4-Dath

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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews

It is so beautiful, the texture is clear, I don it know the adhesion, I haven it applied it yet.


It is so beautiful, the printing is very clear, this ancient style is so touching, go for it!


Very good, easy to write


Beautiful stickers 😍


Amazing stickers 😍