Seasons of Leaves PET Decorative Stickers a
Seasons of Leaves PET Decorative Stickers b6
Seasons of Leaves PET Decorative Stickers b
Seasons of Leaves PET Decorative Stickers b2
Seasons of Leaves PET Decorative Stickers b3
Seasons of Leaves PET Decorative Stickers b4
Seasons of Leaves PET Decorative Stickers b5
Seasons of Leaves PET Decorative Stickers sku-1
Seasons of Leaves PET Decorative Stickers sku-2
Seasons of Leaves PET Decorative Stickers sku-3
Seasons of Leaves PET Decorative Stickers sku-4
Seasons of Leaves PET Decorative Stickers sku-5
Seasons of Leaves PET Decorative Stickers sku-6

Séasúir na nDuilleog Greamáin Maisiúla Trédhearcacha Glan

Praghas díola$6.50
SKU: P2929-00002

🎁 Loingseoireacht saor in aisce ar $59+
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Tú féin a thumadh in áilleacht mhealltach na séasúir athraitheacha trínár nGreamáin Maisiúla Poileitiléine Teireftaláit Séasúir na nDuilleog. Nochtann gach greamán sa bhailiúchán fíorálainn seo intricacies íogair na nduilleog éagsúla, ag tairiscint taipéis amhairc de ealaín an dúlra a fhorbraíonn le gach séasúr.

Le 100 bileog shuntasach in aghaidh an phaca agus raon de 50 dearadh uathúla, freastalaíonn na greamáin seo ar speictream leathan colláis agus riachtanais chruthaitheacha, rud a fhágann gur rud iontach ilúsáideach iad le do fhoireann uirlisí cruthaitheacha.

Tá na greamáin seo déanta go cúramach ó ábhar Teireafaláit poileitiléine, agus tá tarraingteacht aeistéitiúil agus feidhm phraiticiúil ag na greamáin seo. Cinntíonn airíonna uiscedhíonacha Teireafaláit Phoileitiléine go bhfanann do chruthuithe gan staonadh fiú i gcoinníollacha tais. Ina theannta sin, cuireann uigeacht mhín na greamáin seo le do thaithí ceardaíochta, rud a fhágann go mbeidh gach feidhmchlár gan uaim agus sultmhar. Faigh amach splendor duilliúr an dúlra agus elevate do ghníomhaíochtaí cruthaitheacha le Séasúir na nDuilleog Greamáin Maisiúla Terephthalate Poileitiléin.

Sonraí Táirge
◎ Ábhar: Teirephthalate poileitiléin
◎ Cainníocht: 100 ríomhaire / pacáiste (50 dearadh)
◎ Méid Greamáin: Laistigh de 60 x 60 mm / 2.4 × 2.4 orlach
◎ Teicneolaíocht: Die-Cutting + Priontáil Próiseas 4-Dath
◎ Méid an Phacáiste: 90 x 137 mm / 3.5 × 5.4 orlach

1Seasons of Leaves Polyethylene Terephthalate Decorative Stickers
2Seasons of Leaves Polyethylene Terephthalate Decorative Stickers
3Seasons of Leaves Polyethylene Terephthalate Decorative Stickers1
3Seasons of Leaves Polyethylene Terephthalate Decorative Stickers3
4Seasons of Leaves Polyethylene Terephthalate Decorative Stickers2
4Seasons of Leaves Polyethylene Terephthalate Decorative Stickers3
4Seasons of Leaves Polyethylene Terephthalate Decorative Stickers4
4Seasons of Leaves Polyethylene Terephthalate Decorative Stickers5
4Seasons of Leaves Polyethylene Terephthalate Decorative Stickers6
4Seasons of Leaves Polyethylene Terephthalate Decorative Stickers7
4Seasons of Leaves Polyethylene Terephthalate Decorative Stickers8
5Seasons of Leaves Polyethylene Terephthalate Decorative Stickers1
5Seasons of Leaves Polyethylene Terephthalate Decorative Stickers2
5Seasons of Leaves Polyethylene Terephthalate Decorative Stickers3
6Seasons of Leaves Polyethylene Terephthalate Decorative Stickers1
6Seasons of Leaves Polyethylene Terephthalate Decorative Stickers2

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