Gallery Series Magnetic Snap Diary Journal Stamprints 2
Oil Painting Gallery Magnetic Clasp Leather Notebook b2
Gallery Series Magnetic Snap Diary Journal Stamprints 1
Oil Painting Gallery Magnetic Clasp Leather Notebook b3
Gallery Series Magnetic Snap Diary Journal Stamprints 3
Gallery Series Magnetic Snap Diary Journal Stamprints 4
Gallery Series Magnetic Snap Diary Journal Stamprints 5
Gallery Series Magnetic Snap Diary Journal Stamprints 6
Gallery Series Magnetic Snap Diary Journal Stamprints 7

Leabhar nótaí Gailearaí Péinteáil Ola PU le Clasp Maighnéadach - 5.1 × 7.1"

Praghas díola$19.90 Praghas rialta$21.00
Sábháil 5%
SKU: P0667-00001

🎁 $20 as ar orduithe os cionn $100, CÓD: BFC20
🎁 $50 as ar orduithe os cionn $200, CÓD: BFC50

Dath:1. Spring
ON $59+
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Úsáideann an leabhar nótaí leathair clasp maighnéadach gailearaí péintéireachta ola seo clúdach leathair PU ardchaighdeáin le stampáil te airgid, ag soláthar cuma agus teagmháil cosúil le leathar fíor ar phraghas fabhrach. Tá an clúdach resistant uisce-dhruim, éasca le glanadh, agus buan go leor chun timpeallachtaí úsáide laethúil a sheasamh. Tá 4 stíleanna le roghnú as. Tá na leathanaigh istigh déanta as kraft tiubh roghnaithe, ag cosaint súl, ag scríobh go réidh, agus nach bhfuil sé éasca le dúch a fhuiliú. Ligeann iomlán de 196 leathanach péinteáilte saorscríbhneoireacht neamhtheoranta, cabhraíonn an plean míosúil & an plean seachtainiúil le saol eagraithe a thabhairt. Beidh 3 ghreamán bónais saor in aisce pacáilte leis an leabhar nótaí. Tá sé iontach chun do chuid smaointe, pleananna, agus smaointe a thaifeadadh i staidéar nó ag an obair, agus foirfe do phéinteáil, iriseoireacht, graifítí, DIY, etc. Ina theannta sin, tá sé bronntanas iontach do chairde, teaghlaigh, comhghleacaithe, agus comh-oibrithe.

Sonraí Táirge
◎ Ábhar Clúdaigh: PU + Laser Hot Stamping
◎ Méid an Chumhdaigh:  130 × 180mm / 5.1 × 7.1"
◎ Ábhar Páipéir: Kraft
◎ Méid an Leathanaigh: 125 × 175mm / 4.9 × 6.9"
◎ Leathanaigh: 196 leathanach (98 bileog)
◎ Cineál Rialála:  Leathanaigh péinteáilte
◎ Modh Ceangailteach: Ceangal fuaite amhránaí
◎ Cainníocht: 1 phíosa

1Oil Painting Gallery Magnetic Clasp Leather Notebook
2Specification of Oil Painting Gallery Magnetic Clasp Leather Notebook
3Characteristics of Oil Painting Gallery Magnetic Clasp Leather Notebook
3Characteristics of Oil Painting Gallery Magnetic Clasp Leather Notebook1
3Characteristics of Oil Painting Gallery Magnetic Clasp Leather Notebook2
3Characteristics of Oil Painting Gallery Magnetic Clasp Leather Notebook3
3Characteristics of Oil Painting Gallery Magnetic Clasp Leather Notebook4
4Details of Oil Painting Gallery Magnetic Clasp Leather Notebook1
4Details of Oil Painting Gallery Magnetic Clasp Leather Notebook2
4Details of Oil Painting Gallery Magnetic Clasp Leather Notebook3
4Details of Oil Painting Gallery Magnetic Clasp Leather Notebook4
4Details of Oil Painting Gallery Magnetic Clasp Leather Notebook5
4Details of Oil Painting Gallery Magnetic Clasp Leather Notebook6
5Product Display of Oil Painting Gallery Magnetic Clasp Leather Notebook1
5Product Display of Oil Painting Gallery Magnetic Clasp Leather Notebook2
5Product Display of Oil Painting Gallery Magnetic Clasp Leather Notebook3
5Product Display of Oil Painting Gallery Magnetic Clasp Leather Notebook4
6Product Size Oil Painting Gallery Magnetic Clasp Leather Notebook