Old Memory Retro Note Paper Scrapbook Paper Book b2
Old Memory Retro Note Paper Scrapbook Paper Book a
Old Memory Retro Note Paper Scrapbook Paper Book b
Old Memory Retro Note Paper Scrapbook Paper Book c
Old Memory Retro Note Paper Scrapbook Paper Book sku-1
Old Memory Retro Note Paper Scrapbook Paper Book sku-2
Old Memory Retro Note Paper Scrapbook Paper Book sku-3
Old Memory Retro Note Paper Scrapbook Paper Book sku-4
Old Memory Retro Note Paper Scrapbook Paper Book sku-5
Old Memory Retro Note Paper Scrapbook Paper Book sku-6
Old Memory Retro Note Paper Scrapbook Paper Book sku-7
Old Memory Retro Note Paper Scrapbook Paper Book sku-8

Vanha muisti Retro muistiinpanopaperi Leikekirja Paperikirja

SKU: P1272-00001

🎁 Ilmainen toimitus yli 59 dollarilla
🎁 Saada 5% OFF koodilla: OFF5

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Uppoudu luovuuden maailmaan Old Memory Retro Note Paper -leikekirjapaperillamme, joka on suunniteltu parantamaan päiväkirja- ja paperinkäsittelykokemustasi. Tämä pakkaus sisältää 60 arkkia hapotonta ja ligniinitöntä paperia 8 ainutlaatuisessa tyylissä, joista jokaisessa on 30 erottuvaa kuviota, yhteensä 60 paperia.

Erikoispaperin ja kevyen paperin yhdistelmän avulla jokainen arkki voidaan helposti revitä irti yksilöllistä yhdistelmää varten. Käytä sitä tarralapuna tai sujuvaan kirjoittamiseen ilman musteen vuotoa. Yläosan liimasidonta varmistaa, että sivut sidotaan tukevasti ja ne voidaan repiä pois sivulta ilman hajoamista.

Tätä leikekirjapaperia voidaan käyttää useisiin tarkoituksiin, mukaan lukien muistiinpanopaperi, viestipaperi, tapetti ja leikekirjapaperi aikakauslehtiin ja kollaaseihin. Käsintehty huolella, leikekirjapaperimme on sileä mattapintainen, ja sitä on saatavana useissa väreissä ja kuvioissa, mukaan lukien kasveja, sanomalehtiä ja aikakauslehtien kansia, joten voit luoda kauniita taustoja, reunuksia ja muita koriste-elementtejä leikekirjoihin, päiväkirjoihin, suunnittelijat, onnittelukortit, kutsut, kirjekuoret, lahjapakkaukset, tee-se-itse paperin taitto ja origami-askartelut.

◎ Materiaali:  Kevyt paperi + erikoispaperi
◎Määrä:  60 kpl/pakkaus (30 mallia)
◎Koko:  50 × 80 mm / 2,0 x 3,1"
◎Tekniikka: Litografia

1Old Memory Retro Note Paper Scrapbook Paper Book
2Specification of Old Memory Retro Note Paper Scrapbook Paper Book
3Characteristics of Old Memory Retro Note Paper Scrapbook Paper Book1
3Characteristics of Old Memory Retro Note Paper Scrapbook Paper Book2
4Details of Old Memory Retro Note Paper Scrapbook Paper Book1
4Details of Old Memory Retro Note Paper Scrapbook Paper Book2
4Details of Old Memory Retro Note Paper Scrapbook Paper Book3
5Product Display of Old Memory Retro Note Paper Scrapbook Paper Book1
5Product Display of Old Memory Retro Note Paper Scrapbook Paper Book2
5Product Display of Old Memory Retro Note Paper Scrapbook Paper Book3
5Product Display of Old Memory Retro Note Paper Scrapbook Paper Book4
5Product Display of Old Memory Retro Note Paper Scrapbook Paper Book5
6Product Size Old Memory Retro Note Paper Scrapbook Paper Book1

Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews

Every single piece of paper in this pack is a masterpiece. I had to get creative with the sizes, but the end result was absolutely stunning.


This set is a great value for the price.


I really like it, the color and style are great!


These papers are so simple to use and they cover empty spaces beautifully. They ive added a unique touch to my crafts.


This one is really small, the card is a bit thin, but it looks okay and the printing is very clear.


Universe Invincible has great reviews. I have been doing good deeds throughout my life and I deserve to encounter such a comprehensive, beautiful and thoughtfully designed set at this price! There are so many things to take that I im afraid I won it be able to finish them all. The key selection is very tasteful and beautiful, and there are no surprises. This small book is really high-quality, and you will feel it every time you take a photo. I really believe it!


The clarity is very good, and it looks good when doing handwriting


The printing is quite clear! ! Small calendars are especially good!


This paper set has brought so much joy to my crafting projects. I can it get enough of the beautiful designs.


While not my absolute favorite, these papers still contribute to great creations in the end.