Gothic Vintage PET Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween b6
Gothic Vintage PET Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween b4
Gothic Vintage PET Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween b
Gothic Vintage PET Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween b2
Gothic Vintage PET Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween b3
Gothic Vintage PET Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween b5
Gothic Vintage PET Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween c
Gothic Vintage PET Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween a
Gothic Vintage PET Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween sku-1
Gothic Vintage PET Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween sku-2
Gothic Vintage PET Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween sku-3
Gothic Vintage PET Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween sku-4

Goottilaiset vintage kirkkaat läpinäkyvät tarrat - ruusu, shakkilauta, kello, pelikortit, siivet, Halloween

SKU: P4608-00004

🎁 Ilmainen toimitus yli 59 dollarilla
🎁 Saada 5% OFF koodilla: OFF5

Tyyli:1. Dark Wing
ON $59+
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Ymmärrä goottilaisen vintagen tumma viehätys hienoilla polyeteenitereftalaattitarroillamme! Näissä tarroissa on kiehtova valikoima malleja, mukaan lukien ruusut, shakkilaudat, kellot, pelikortit, siivet ja Halloween-aiheet, ja ne sopivat täydellisesti lisäämään ripauksen mystiikkaa päiväkirja-, scrapbooking- ja askarteluprojekteihisi. Nämä tarrat on valmistettu tarkasti kuumaleimauskultatekniikalla, ja niissä on ylellinen rakenne, joka parantaa luomuksesi yleistä estetiikkaa.

Jokainen pakkaus sisältää 3 osaa, joten voit nauttia goottilaisen vintagen dekadenssista kompaktilla mutta vaikuttavalla tavalla. Polyeteenitereftalaattimateriaalista valmistetut tarrat eivät ole vain vedenpitäviä vaan myös kestäviä, mikä varmistaa, että luomuksesi kestävät ajan kokeen. Tarttuvan taustan ansiosta ne on uskomattoman helppo irrottaa ja kiinnittää mihin tahansa pintaan, mikä tarjoaa loputtomasti mahdollisuuksia luovalle ilmaisulle. Sukella goottilaisen vintagen maailmaan ja kohota askartelukokemustasi upeilla polyeteenitereftalaattitarroillamme!


◎Materiaali: Polyeteenitereftalaatti
◎ Määrä: 3 kpl
◎Tarran koko: 130 x 70 mm / 5,1 × 2,8 tuumaa
◎Tekniikka: Hot Stamping Gold   + Puristusleikkaus
◎Pakkauksen koko: 172 x 84 mm / 6,8 × 3,3 tuumaa

1Gothic Vintage Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween
2Gothic Vintage Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween1
3Gothic Vintage Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween1
3Gothic Vintage Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween2
4Gothic Vintage Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween1
5Gothic Vintage Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween1
5Gothic Vintage Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween2
5Gothic Vintage Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween3
5Gothic Vintage Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween4
5Gothic Vintage Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween5
5Gothic Vintage Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween6
5Gothic Vintage Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween7
5Gothic Vintage Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween8
5Gothic Vintage Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween9
5Gothic Vintage Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween10
5Gothic Vintage Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween11
5Gothic Vintage Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween12
5Gothic Vintage Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween13
5Gothic Vintage Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween14
5Gothic Vintage Polyethylene Terephthalate Stickers - Rose, Chessboard, Clock, Playing Cards, Wings, Halloween15

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