Day and Night Series Collage Journal Paper b4
Day and Night Series Collage Journal Paper a
Day and Night Series Collage Journal Paper b
Day and Night Series Collage Journal Paper b2
Day and Night Series Collage Journal Paper b3
Day and Night Series Collage Journal Paper b5
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Day and Night Series Collage Journal Paper sku-3
Day and Night Series Collage Journal Paper sku-4
Day and Night Series Collage Journal Paper sku-5
Day and Night Series Collage Journal Paper sku-6
Day and Night Series Collage Journal Paper sku-7
Day and Night Series Collage Journal Paper sku-8

Day and Night -sarjan kollaasipäiväkirjapaperi

SKU: P2126-00001

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Sukella luovuuden ja inspiraation maailmaan Day and Night Series Collage Journal Paperin avulla. Tässä ihastuttavassa kokoelmassa on 100 arkkia kevyttä paperia, joita koristaa 50 kiehtovaa kuviota, jotka huokuvat vintagea. Runsaan määrän ansiosta tämä pakkaus tarjoaa pitkäkestoisen tarjonnan, jonka avulla voit ryhtyä lukemattomiin taiteellisiin pyrkimyksiin. Jokainen arkki on kooltaan 100 × 140 mm (3,9 × 5,5"), mikä tarjoaa runsaasti tilaa kollaaseille, sekamediaprojekteille ja päiväkirjaseikkailuille.

Uppoudu retro-estetiikan viehätykseen tutkiessasi tämän kokoelman rikasta sisältöä. Leipäpajan hassuista kohtauksista Vanhan sanomalehden nostalgisiin otsikoihin jokainen malli kertoo oman ainutlaatuisen tarinansa. Paperit on suunniteltu harkitusti irrotettaviksi helposti, mikä vastaa erilaisiin kollaasitarpeisiisi ja mahdollistaa saumattoman integroinnin taiteellisiin sävellyksiäsi. Hienon paperinlaadun ansiosta nämä arkit tarjoavat sileän kirjoituspinnan, joka sopii täydellisesti henkilökohtaisten muistiinpanojen lisäämiseen tai käyttämällä leimoja kauniisti koristeltujen sivujen luomiseen.

◎Materiaali: kevyt paperi
◎Määrä: 100 kpl/pakkaus (50 mallia)
◎Koko: 100 × 140 mm / 3,9 × 5,5"
◎Tekniikka: 4-väriprosessitulostus

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Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews

It is quite a thick book, and the pictures inside are particularly beautiful. It is great. I couldn it wait to open it when I received it. I was not disappointed.


Without these decorations, I really don it know what to do with the stamps. It is perfect for making travel diaries.


The light is very dark so it is hard to take pictures, but it is really beautiful! I can it wait to do my accounting!


I bought flat shells to put together, but they turned out to be too big, so I had to cut them apart and put them together again. Each pattern is very beautiful and rich in color, and can be collaged into many color combinations.


Floral pattern, comes with adhesive backing, the thickness is just right. It is just perfect for my sister to use as a gift, I hope she likes it.


It looks great for packaging, I im very satisfied! ! !


Product quality: Very good. The top parts are connected together. It is a book. It is very convenient to use one piece to tear the other piece. The quantity is correct.


First of all, let is talk about the packaging. It is really good. It is wrapped in bubble wrap and has no wrinkles at all. Then there is the real thing, it is really nice! Fifty pictures, two pictures each. The paper is lightweight, not thick, and the size is as described. All in all quite satisfied


Product quality: good. I have purchased many times. These two are my favorite. I have repurchased three times. They are good for my own use and as gifts for friends. The pictures are beautiful, there are no duplicates, the price is affordable, and they are very good products.