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Custom Name Wax Seal Stamp (18 Designs)-6 2
Custom Name Wax Seal Stamp (18 Designs)-6 1
Custom Name Wax Seal Stamp (18 Designs)-6 3
Custom Name Wax Seal Stamp (18 Designs)-6 4
Custom Wax Seal Stamp Stamprints Gift Package
Stamprints Handle Size
Custom Wax Seal Stamp Stamprints Set
Stamprints Handle Size 1
Stamprints Sealing Wax 1
Stamprints Melting Furnace And Spoons 1
Custom Wax Seal Stamp Stamprints Highlighting Ink Pad

Brugerdefineret banner navn voks segl stempel

SKU: P1697-00001

🎁 Gratis forsendelse på $59+
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Massivt messinghoved

Messinggravering er en kunstform, der forener tradition med moderne teknikker, og tilbyder et alsidigt lærred til indviklede designs.

Vi vælger høj kvalitet messingplade og brug CNC gravering og Laser graveringsteknologi for at fuldende det detaljerede design på messing.

FSC®-certificeret palisanderhåndtag

Dette udsøgte håndtag kombinerer bæredygtighed og sofistikering, og byder på naturlig skønhed af palisander og den tidløse tiltrækning af skak. Hvert håndtag er gennemtænkt designet til at fremkalde en følelse af elegance og samtidig fremme ansvarlig skovbrugspraksis. Løft dine værktøjer eller enheder med et håndtag, der ikke kun forbedrer funktionaliteten, men som også tilføjer et strejf af raffineret håndværk til enhver opgave.

*Vær opmærksom på, at vores produkter er håndlavede ved brug af naturlige materialer, hvilket kan resultere i små variationer i farve, tekstur og tone, der adskiller sig fra billederne og specifikationerne i beskrivelsen. Selvom vi gør alt for at repræsentere vores produkter nøjagtigt, mener vi, at disse variationer er det, der gør hvert stykke unikt og smukt.

Why Choose Us

Feature Stamprints Marketplace Local Shop
Customization Premium Basic Premium
Design Service
Material Brass Plastic Brass
Price $50-$100 $30-$90 $200+
Delivery 7-14d 15-30d 30d+
Customer Service 24/7 Online Platform Support In-person
Return Policy 30 Days returns Non-returnable Case by case
Warranty Lifetime None 1 Year

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Olivia Clark

It works great and is really pretty. Super easy to use.

Isabella Johnson
Quality Seal Stamp

I recently decided to try my hand at making wax seals so I bought a kit. I wanted a wax seal with my initial so I purchased this one. I loved the medieval style! Here is my review:
Nice quality--built to last. Much better quality (and works better) than some of the cheap ones that I got with my wax seal kit. It has a beautiful wooden handle and the brass bottom has a good weight to it.
Makes beautiful seals! (Some examples pictured above!)
This is really just a minor inconvenience--I had to draw a line to mark the top of my seal so when I put seals directly onto letters my seal won't be crooked.

Overall, if you're on the fence, I would highly recommend this wax seal stamp!

James Wilson

This stamp is great! As with all metal stamps I assume, you just need to make sure it’s cool before doing the next stamp.

Emma Thompson

So cute! Easy to use!


I gave it to my boyfriend. The pattern is his astrolabe, two big crosses and two small stars, and the letters are his name. We communicated for a long time, and it was done very seriously. Good comments


The second lacquer seal I bought, I like it very much. The pattern is simple and clear. Bought during discount, the price is very affordable, highly recommended


There is no filter and it is a seal with darker textures. It is very good for printing three-dimensional snakes, but I am not very good at it. Fortunately, my roommate in the snake yard likes it very much.